L’ascesa degli editor di foto e video online alimentati dall’intelligenza artificiale

L’intelligenza artificiale (IA) ha rivoluzionato molti settori, e l’editing di foto e video online non fa eccezione. Grazie ai progressi tecnologici, strumenti avanzati consentono ora agli utenti, sia professionisti che dilettanti, di creare, modificare e migliorare contenuti visivi con estrema facilità. Questo articolo esplora l’impatto delle reti neurali e dell’IA su questi editor online, evidenziandone…

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Un Mystère Glaçant : La Redécouverte Inquiétante d’un Sous-Marin Perdu

Le vaste et mystérieux océan Arctique, avec ses eaux sombres et inexplorées, cache des secrets depuis des décennies. Parmi eux, un sous-marin perdu dans les années 90 refait surface, emportant avec lui des révélations choquantes. Kelsey Johnson, à la tête d’une équipe d’explorateurs chevronnés, est prête à braver les profondeurs pour découvrir la vérité sur…

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Interesting products for the kitchen – trends

Necessary goods for the kitchen in Kyiv (dishes, cutlery, household appliances) can be found on the shelves of specialized stores or supermarket departments. However, not everyone knows about the existence of convenient devices that make the process of cooking, setting the table and cleaning more pleasant, easier and faster. Among such interesting products for the…

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Rubans LED

Faites entrer la magie lumineuse dans la maison. La question de savoir comment choisir une bande LED est posée par de nombreux utilisateurs, car elle est devenue très populaire dans la décoration intérieure moderne. Elle est utilisée pour éclairer le sol, le plafond et les surfaces de la cuisine. Elle est utilisée comme source d’éclairage…

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What should be in the kitchen for cooking

Even if you cook infrequently, you always do it in the kitchen. You will need not only dishes, but also other accessories to cook, bake, stew, fry. Let’s consider the list of main products and things: pans Universal dishes that you will constantly use to prepare a variety of dishes. The basic set includes models…

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How to choose a rocking chair for home?

A rocking chair is a rather rare guest in our homes, and many people know about it only by hearsay. But those who at least once had the opportunity to sit and rock in this amazing chair, are moved by a feeling of deep sympathy for him forever. Nowadays, this undeservedly forgotten piece of furniture…

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Smart outlets as an interesting product for a smart home

Recently, many users who strive to make their lives as comfortable and optimized as possible have learned what a smart socket is. This smart device practically does not differ in appearance from the usual one. And it is precisely through it that it is connected to a 220 V network. Why are smart sockets needed?…

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